First off, I need a new category. My life doesn't suck. Just my new purchasing a computer experience. Because I love the Web, and love what it can do as a business tool, I believed the Dell is out of Dell Hell hype. I believed the hype that Dell had changed, that their brand new spanking Web 2.0 bloggy blogginess had cleaned up their customer support, their service, their delivery. Well, maybe for others. But not for me. DHL managed to NOT deliver my printer for almost two weeks, lie when they said they were going to come, blame me because the guys on the trucks only sometimes manage to deliver in the evening.
Then there's the matter of my power cord. Which doesn't fit smoothly into the AC adapter. My Dell customer support, very nice woman, sent me a new power cord. Which doesn't fit at all into the power outlet OR the AC adapter. Natasha, my customer support agent, received my "Hey, it doesn't work" e-mail several days ago, but perhaps she is busy updating Dell's bloggy blog.
In any event, Dell's lost my business, and probably lost it more definitively BECAUSE they've been bragging on their crowdsourcing. Meanwhile, I'm very tempted to start my own "I hate Dell" blog...once I buy a new power cord. From a human being.
At Staples.
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